Home Remedies and Natural Treatment for Heart Disease
Heart disease is a disorder that affects the ability of the heart to function normally. The common types of heart disease are coronary heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, ischaemic heart disease, hereditary heart disease, inflammatory heart disease, hypertensive disease and valvular disease.
The common symptoms of heart disease are heaviness or pressure on the chest, shortness of breath, irregular or fast heartbeats, dizziness, nausea, excessive heart palpitations and back or shoulder pain. If you encounter any of these problems, it would be wise to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Heart disease is primarily a disease of poor and sedentary lifestyle, and can be largely preventable through risk factor awareness and modification. The best way to prevent heart disease is to control blood pressure and have LDL cholesterol at low levels. You can attain these goals by making appropriate diet changes and even by taking medications if so recommended by your doctor.
Regular exercise can also reduce the risks of heart disease. Making change in some habits, such as walking to work, can make you healthier. Walking is perhaps the easiest and healthiest way to make you physically active and healthy. In order to prevent heart disease, you need to make changes in your diet, together with reducing excess weight and maintaining blood sugar levels as well as taking nutritional supplements that are suggested by your health experts.
The dietary modifications you need to make to lower cholesterol are restrict cheese intake, fat milk and butter, choose lean cuts of meat and remove all visible fat, eat skinless chicken, fish or beans, and do not consume pasties, chips and cakes.
Grapes are recommended for heart patients because, being soft, slimy and cold, grapes have a soothing and calming effect on the heart muscles. Another useful home remedy is to prepare a decoction by boiling approx. 1 to 2 tsp dried ginger. Take it warm, once or twice a day.
A sweet jelly of apple and carrot is also beneficial and act as a heart tonic. The patient can also take approx. 1 to 2 tsp fresh betel juice extracted by pounding betel leaves. A moderate intake of ripe mangoes strengthens the heart and gives relief from palpitations. Take 3 to 5 grams of the powdered seeds of lotus twice, to soothe and calm the heart.
Meditation, pranayama and regular walking for 1 to 2 hours in the morning are also helpful in making you and your heart healthier. Good sleep, fresh air, rest and peace of mind are also necessary for heart patients.
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