Tips to Know about Breast Cancer Therapy

The Breast Cancer Problems
There so many breast cancer patients are suffering with a big stress, they probably thinking about their future, family, money and the cause of breast cancer like genetic disparity or folks suffering breast cancer. Patient at stadium stage 2, has possibility to recovers but still stress continuous experienced by makes it living on only until year second.
To handling the stress must be done soon possibly, both for the preventing and also therapy. Remember other risk factor is menstruating at the age of early (age 11 years downwards). Breast cancer would be higher at women who is experiencing menstruates at age 11 years downwards is compared to experiencing menstruates at age of 13 years. The other risk is someone who has overdue menopauses, not married, not born, alcohol consumption, smoking, consumption of estrogen hormone drug on a long term and other factor is descendant, if someone has family contracted breasts cancer, hence she has the same risk. BRCA1 and BRCA2 is Gene mutation has tightly bearing with breast cancer risk, or ovary cancer or both for 50 - 85 % percent. It is strongly recommended to run attest like mammography test if there is member of family hit by breast cancer or member of other family.
When to Start MammographyTest
Women at the age of 40 years old upward have standard risk so they should do mammography test. But women especially with mutation BRCA1 and BRCA2 have primary risk so they should do mammography test at age 25 years old, or 5 year younger if their young family member having breast cancer history. Such this story, if her sister suffers cancer at age 26 years old, then her brother / sister could be having BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation genes, so their brother / sister it is suggested to starts mammography test at age 21 years.
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The Fact about Breast Cancer Therapy
There was no method to cure or ward off the breast cancer. But healthy life and avoids stress is one of many way to prevent spreading of cancer cell and lengthens hope of life. Number of researches shows consumption many vegetable and ascorbic acid, avoids the stress, cigarette, and reduces your body weight to the normal body weight. Food with antioxidant nutrient can prevent the cells which able to cause cancer. For example, labors consume at least 5 portions of fruits or vegetable per day can prevent them to get cancer. The other research from David J. Hunter, MD., Director Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention in Boston; shows that unsaturated fat like olive can protect us from breast cancer, but the saturated fat like meat and butter can increase the risk.
There so many ways to live with breast cancer free or you can length your life even you’ve been diagnoses with breast cancer. Then research in 1998 that was published Journal of the National Cancer Institute; has observed the habit eating from the breasts cancer patient and the healthy woman, they found something interesting, that woman have consume a lot of steak was have 4 times risk higher than whose not. Then research in 1997 that was published the medical English journal; consumption soybean can contained the compound phytoestrogen will reduce the risk of breasts cancer.
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For further information about breast cancer please check at Breast Cancer Category
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Tips to Know about Breast Cancer Therapy
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Keyword: breast cancer therapy, breast problems, breast biopsies, red spots on breast, ultrasound breast, breast inflammation, national cancer, breast infections, breast pathology, most common cancer in women, dense breast, anatomy of the breast, breast sonogram, painful breast lump, red spot on breast, needle biopsy breast, breast cancer lump, mammography screening, screening test, breast disease, breast biopsy results, breast tissue, clinical breast exam, breast cancer gene, painful lump in breast